Avoid Grey Markets

Detect and stop grey market suppliers with our reliable, practicable security tags

If your company suspects grey market activities, it is important to resolve this issue as fast as possible and put effective monitoring in place. Stop grey market suppliers in their tracks with our reliable, practicable security tags. 

Our solutions

We offer various brand protection solutions tailored to your individual needs and product specific requirements. 

Security Label

Our innovative security labels are manufactured using proprietary technologies and therefore offer maximum protection – from overtly recognizable security features for consumers, to covert features for experts, to automatically verifiable features for all end users.

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Printed Security

As a particularly sustainable solution, our anti-counterfeiting protection feature can be integrated directly into your packaging or product design – both as a concealed feature and as an element for customer interaction at the point of sale.

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Security Seals

To secure your products against unauthorized opening, SCRIBOS offers you labels with unique proof of first opening. This protects your products from being refilled with counterfeit contents.

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Digital Platform

Our unique brand protection technology is connected to the innovative digital platform SCRIBOS 360.

  • SCRIBOS 360 Grey Market
    Uncover grey market activities in real time! Already after the very first scan, the module will send an alert to the brand owner if necessary. Based on the collected data, you can take immediate and effective action against possible grey market activities.
  • SCRIBOS 360 Interaction
    The more product scans the more effective the system! With the interaction module you can offer your customers bonus programs, competitions and other digital offers to increase the scan rate. At the same time, you strengthen customer loyalty and trust in your brand.
  • SCRIBOS 360 B2B Ordering
    This module offers you full transparency over your supply chain. Suppliers order their product markings directly from SCRIBOS. Due to the uniqueness and serialization, every product in the market can be designated to its original location. 

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Our services


Our experienced brand protection consultants will map out the perfect brand protection strategy and custom solution for your individual needs.

Project Management

Our project management team will give you comprehensive support – from equipping your product with the right security tag to connecting it to the digital world. They will supervise your project from start to finish – and offer a helping hand even beyond the implementation stage.

Performance & Lab Tests

Our applications technology team will ensure that your smart labels are not only secure but also exceed current requirements by using cutting-edge technology.

Related blog post

The grey market – risks and countermeasures

With increasing globalisation, the worldwide availability of products is growing steadily. At the same time, the danger of misuse is also increasing. A good example is, traders taking advantage of price differences in the different markets through parallel imports or re-imports.

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