13 - 14 June 2023
Heidelberg, Germany
This week we hosted our in-house masterclass on Digital Security Printing in close cooperation with our partner HP Indigo. 🚀
We kicked off the event with a beautiful dinner on the Königsstuhl with a stunning view and sunset over the city of Heidelberg. The next day our valued guests were able to learn about our partnership with HP Indigo, our innovative ValiGate® solution and our powerful digital platform SCRIBOS 360.
Other highlights included the presentation by Brian Colin from Brown-Forman, who presented our successful joint Brand Protection and Customer Engagement project with Jack Daniel's. Furthermore, our guests also were able to experience a live printing of our ValiGate® solution from the HP Graphics Center in Barcelona and an exclusive SCRIBOS production tour.
We are excited to host our next Masterclass soon!