tesa scribos joins forces with the World Customs Organisation

At the beginning of 2014, tesa scribos joined the World Customs Organisation's (WCO) IPM Connected (Interface Public Members) database. In doing so, the product and brand protection specialist has strengthened its commitment to the fight against international product piracy. IPM Connected provides customs officials with information from brand owners in real time, helping them to identify original products wherever they are. Working together with customs authorities, in this way more and more companies can make their weight felt in the campaign for globally effective product and brand protection.
Scan the barcode of the brand product, and a few clicks later the customs official sees the tesa scribos brand protection solution, which only original products carry, displayed on his smartphone. One look is all it takes: the product is genuine. This is how easy the battle against product piracy is thanks to secure product identification from tesa scribos and its global communication using the WCO's IPM database. The online tool combines brand information and authentication features for currently more than 550 brands. With the new version, customs officials around the world can access IPM Connected on their smartphones. IPM Connected also establishes an interface with the systems that brand owners use for authenticating and tracing their products. The database is a closed, secure system that can be accessed only by customs employees for the purpose of identifying counterfeit products and taking them out of circulation.
Get tesa scribos brand protection now and benefit from discounted IPM membership
tesa scribos is supporting the WCO's global anti-counterfeit network with an attractive offer: brand owners who use tesa scribos brand protection solutions can benefit from membership of IPM Connected at a discounted contract fee with the WCO. This is valid over the whole of the required term of three, five or ten years. The contract fee amount is based on annual turnover. Another advantage of IPM membership is that companies using it send their customers a clear message that, working together with customs, they are involved in a strong counterfeit protection network. This creates confidence among customers and effectively scares counterfeiters off. All over the world!
“As partners of the WCO, we want to take a stand in the fight against product piracy with our membership. IPM and IPM Connected establish links between international customs authorities and brand owners. Manufacturers who use tesa scribos solutions and who also opt for discounted IPM membership make it possible for customs authorities around the world to authenticate their products using the tesa scribos security solution,” explains Volker Hahn, International Marketing Director at tesa scribos. “As part of this strong IPM community, which by 2017 is expected to include 44,000 customs officials in 121 countries, tesa scribos would like to make it easier for its customers to access the global anti-counterfeit network.”